Man punches police officer for giving his wife ticket for traffic offense

A man who punched a police officer in the face for giving his wife ticket for committing a traffic offense has been detained for 3 days.

The incident happened around 1.15am on Sunday May 2, on Namık Kemal Street, a public place in Kyrenia.

According to report, the suspect, AU, 41 a Turkish Cypriot man who was a passenger in a vehicle reportedly got out of his vehicle during police traffic inspection, shouted and punched a police officer in the face on the grounds that his wife was reported by the traffic police for a traffic offense.

He was arrested and taken to a court in Kyrenia on Sunday. He was charged with crimes of "serious damage", "preventing a police from his duty", "drunkenness", "causing public disturbance" and "inappropriate behavior".

Police told the court that the suspect was in a drunken state on Namık Kemal Street, a public place in Kyrenia, when his wife was reported to the traffic teams.

Police said he got out of the vehicle and walked up to a police officer on duty at the checkpoint, caused public disturbance with a loud voice, waved his hands and arms randomly and then punched the police officer in the face with his right hand saying "don't be a bitch". The officer fell to the ground and broke his right hand ring finger.

The suspect was held and arrested with force.

Police requested that the suspect be detained for 3 days for investigation purposes, as the investigation into the matter was still ongoing, there were camera footage in the region that needed to be examined, and the statement given by the suspect needed to be confirmed and denied.

Speaking in court, the suspect said, "I committed such a crime with adrenaline from alcohol, I am sorry."

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