Statue found in sheep pen in north Cyprus ‘may be 2,600 years old’

The statue found in a sheep pen in the village of Ulukışla in north Cyprus was determined to be a “goddess” originating from the late archaic period.

The statue dates to between 600 and 480 BC, the north Cyprus’s ‘antiquities department’ said on Thursday.

Should their estimations be correct, that would make it 2,600 years old.

Meanwhile, the Turkish Cypriot police announced on Wednesday they had arrested a further two men, aged 63 and 37, in connection with the find, bringing the total number of arrests in the case to four.

The statue was found buried in a sheep pen on Monday, with the sheep pen’s owner, aged 30, and another man, aged 37, being arrested.

The police’s investigation into the matter is ongoing.

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