Four-inch devil's horn removed from 74-year old man's head in India (surgery photos)

A 74-year-old Indian farmer has had a four-inch (10cm) devil horn removed from the top of his skull.

Shyam Lal Yadav, of Rahli village in Madhya Pradesh, suffered a head injury in 2014 which reportedly led to the formation of a rare cutaneous horn.

The benign growth, also referred to as devil's horn, sprouted from his head and over five years escalated to the point where it towered above his skull.

Mr Yadav had been getting the growth shaven down by his barber for years. But the horn began to grow aggressively, prompting the farmer to seek medical help.

The rare growths are made out of keratin, found in toenails and human hair, and mostly occur in older adults.

An operation to remove the growth was performed at Bhagyoday Tirth Hospital in Sagar city. and the farmer now said to be fine after spending 10 days at the hospital.

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