Woman earns mouth watering take home pay a year as a professional cuddlier

A big-hearted woman has quite literally embraced a most lucrative career - as a professional cuddlier.

Affectionate Robin Marie, 48, earns $40,000 a year, or $80 per hour, from her unique job and spends around 45 hours-a-week spooning, hugging and snuggling.

Robin’s clients come through a website called Cuddlist, which offers a training program to assist cuddling pros. 

The job, which Robin has been doing full time for 18 months, is strictly platonic and all clients are fully clothed at all times. Hugs can be standing, lying, or seated, in many different positions.

I spend up to 25 hours-a-week cuddling clients for work, then around ten hours a week cuddling my boyfriend and about seven hours-a-week cuddling my cat, the Kansas City, Missouri, woman said.
I never get bored of cuddling. It’s very rewarding. It causes the body to release oxytocin, the ‘bonding hormone’, which makes us feel happier and less stressed.
We have a code of conduct and I specify that they must wear a minimum of a t-shirt or tank top and lounge pants. In the summer gym shorts is ok, as long as they come below the middle of the thighs, she continued.
Boxer shorts or briefs are not acceptable.

Robin's sessions usually last for between one and four hours and take place in a "calming space” she rents in Kansas City.

I know some Cuddlists do overnight sessions, but I haven’t had anyone ask me for that yet. That would cost quite a lot of money, and I think that’s too expensive for most people in the Midwest, Robin said.
I wouldn’t be against the idea, but it would have to be with an established client where there was mutual trust.
My boyfriends have been fine with it. They know that it’s not sexual at all. There was one guy I dated for a little while who was kind of weirded out by it, but we just agreed to disagree, she added.

People who request Robin’s embraces come from all walks of life.

Fox news....

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