Gunman shoots dead entire bank in Florida

A gunman stormed a bank in Florida and barricaded himself inside, then made a chilling 911 call telling authorities he had fired shots.

Law enforcement officials responded to an emergency call from a person who claimed to have fired shots inside the building. Picture: via AP
The man entered the SunTrust Bank in Sebring in Florida on Wednesday. He barricaded himself inside of the building, entering into tense negotiations with police.

The gunman killed at least five people, according to Sebring Police Chief Karl Hoglund.

After entering the bank he reportedly fired multiple shots inside the building.

A man called police about 12.36pm saying he had entered the bank and began shooting.

In the chilling 911 call he told police, “I have shot five people,” according to a joint police statement released by the Sebring Police Department.

Law enforcement officials take cover outside the SunTrust Bank branch. Picture: AP
The call was responded to by Sebring Police and Highlands County Sheriff’s Office deputies.
Vision shows police and other emergency vehicles surrounding the SunTrust building.

Police initially entered negotiations with the man using the police crisis negotiation team. Initial negotiations to try to get the man to exit the bank were not successful.

While negotiation the Sebring Police Chief Karl Hoglund ordered a SWAT team be sent into the building.

Once inside the police assessed that multiple people had been shot.

The five victims were all the people inside the bank at the time of the attack, according to police.

The suspect eventually surrendered to the SWAT team, police said, where he was arrested.

He has been identified as Zephen Xaver, a 21-year-old Sebring man. He remains in custody.

Police have not yet established the identity of the five victims and it has not been confirmed whether they were employees of the bank or members of the public.

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