22 Inspiring Business Quotes from Real, Successful Entrepreneurs (part-1)

It requires a lot to be successful in business: a good product or service, financial acumen, the right connections and capital to keep things running are just a few of the tangible requirements.

But the soft-skills required to maintain resilience in the face of overwhelming odds, overcome adversity and recover from failure cannot be discounted.

What are the mindsets that keep entrepreneurs going against all odds?
We reached out to the wide-world of business owners for their mantras, inspirational quotes and advice about how to do what they do.

The Power of Passion, Purpose and Creativity
Entrepreneurs and business owners have the rare opportunity to do something they truly love – the opportunity to be a force for good in the world instead of a cog in the machine.
Keep this in mind when the journey inevitably gets tough.

1. “Everyone has their own reasons for starting their own business. But don’t choose other people’s reasons; choose your own.”

Simon Dlugowski, Founder of MySocialNerd.com

2. “If you do what you love, you are more likely to be better at what you do. Don’t choose your career path based on other people’s expectations. Have faith in yourself and your judgement. Work hard and do what you enjoy. If not, you will have to live with the lingering feeling of wondering what could have been.”

Charles Dugan, Founder of American Image Displays

3. “The passion and desire you have to bring something into this world was given to you for a reason. You were meant to do the work that drives you and compels you to create. Never forget that the world needs exactly what you have to give, and it won’t be complete without it.”

Jessica Kinsey, Founder of Prodigy & Co

4. “Let your mind wander at the right time. Daydreaming makes people more productive because it taps into the subconscious and encourages creativity. You just have to learn how to do it well. Think of as many things as you can for an hour, when you do that, you find solutions to problems.”

Stephen Constantine, Founder of YouMap
5. Go out into the world. Go into the homes and workplaces and quiet places of real people with real challenges. Watch and listen. There we will learn what the actual challenges are we as founders can help solve.

Matthew Cooper, Co-Founder and CEO of EarnUp

6. When you start a business, the goal is not to make money. That should be the last goal on your mind actually. Instead, you should start a business because you love what you do.

AJ Saleem, Academic Director at Suprex Tutors Houston

7. You are never too small and ordinary to make a difference. A seamstress named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus. A shipyard electrician named Lech Walesa led the movement that threw the Russians out of Poland and later became its president. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield knew nothing about ice cream or business and they started a company that showed it was possible for businesses to change the world. I own a one-person social entrepreneurship consulting business based in a farmhouse, and I personally started the movement that saved a mountain. If you think you’re too small to have impact, hang out with a mosquito. Step into your greatness—it’s waiting for you!

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