Trial into murder of Nigerian student, Kennedy Taomwabwa Dede to begin on October, 12

First inquest hearing into the murder of Nigerian student, Kennedy Taomwabwa Dede, who was murdered in a catastrophic incident by a gang of Turkish Cypriots in January will start on October, 12.

Kennedy Taomwabwa Dede, 28 an Architecture student at the Eastern Mediterranean University in Magusa was kidnapped by 7 gang members on January, 29 from his resident in Famagusta and taken to the Çanakkale lake in the outskirt of the city where he was seriously beaten and killed.

Following the incident, 7 suspects namely; Ozan Korkurt, 18, Zekeriya Founder, 22, Burcu Çelik, 16, Onur Körkurt, 21, Simge Dağdur, 28, Aydan Sel and Nidai Şanlı, 28 were arrested in connection with the murder and charged to court in Lefkosa for murder, human abduction and serious assault.

Police investigation later revealed that Kennedy was murdered over 1000TL loan. 

During the investigation, police said they gathered over 190 statements and testimonies, retrieved deleted messages and screened 142 phone conversations.

The highly anticipated murder case will begin on 12 October 2018 in the Famagusta District Court before the Criminal Court Judge Umut Inan.

The defendants who had been pending trial for months as a non-detainee in the Lefkosa central Prison, were brought to court on Thursday under tight security measure.
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