Teacher arrested for sending nude pictures to teenage student

Teacher arrested for sending nude pictures to teenage student lailasnews
A teacher identified as, Michelina Aichele, has been arrested for sending naked selfies and sexually explicit texts to a teenage student.

According to the police, the 29 year old allegedly told the 17-year-old she fantasised about him while pleasuring herself.

She demanded to know his manhood size in a series of explicit messages, including one that suggested she wanted visual proof.

They said that after the pair made contact through social media things started to take a more sordid turn when Aichele sent messages of a graphic nature, such as nude images.

Authorities said she was arrested on October 5 and charged with second-degree endangering the welfare of a child, reports Associated Press.

The pupil alleged that the Montgomery Township High School teacher engaged in sexual conversations with him “through social media sites and email” over several months.

Somerset County prosecutors said the Montgomery Township School District contacted police on October 4.

Montgomery officials declined to comment and a phone number listed in Aichele’s name was not in service. It is unclear whether she has a lawyer.

She is being held in custody at the Somerset County Jail pending a detention hearing, said the Somerset County Prosecutor Michael H. Robertson and Montgomery Township police spokesman Thomas Wain.
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