Kenyan Lawmaker batters wife for confronting him after infecting her with STI

Lawmaker batters wife for confronting him after infecting her with STI lailasnews
A Kenyan Lawmaker has reportedly battered his wife after she confronted him of infecting her with a sexually transmitted infection, STI.

Gabriel Kago Mukuha, a Kenyan member of Parliament, has been accused of battering his wife, Wanjiku, black and blue at their home in Loswan Estate, Kiambu Road, on Friday night.

According to sources privy to the incident, Mukuha arrived home in a drunken stupor and descended on the lactating mother of 4, with an ironing box, causing serious injuries all over the body.

Family sources claim that the lawmaker was angered when his wife – who is a medical practitioner, asked him how it was possible she had been treated for an STI three times in under a year despite remaining faithful to him.

Wanjiku’s family further alleges that this is not the first time the MP had assaulted her and she has on several occasions been forced to seek asylum with her family.

In one instance early this year, the MP’s mistress reportedly ambushed and attacked Wanjiku at a supermarket.

When she returned home after the confrontation with the mistress, Mukuha allegedly beat and inflicted further serious bodily injuries on her. The mistress, with whom the MP has sired a child, is said to be his wife’s relative.

Wanjiku has since recorded a statement with the police and obtained a P3 form indicating that she sustained injuries on several parts including the neck, scalp, thighs, upper back and pain while swallowing.

Lawmaker batters wife for confronting him after infecting her with STI lailasnews 3
Lawmaker batters wife for confronting him after infecting her with STI lailasnews 2
Lawmaker batters wife for confronting him after infecting her with STI lailasnews 1
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