Iranian student sentenced to 6-months in prison for robbery

A Gazimağusa Court has sentenced an Iranian student to six months imprison for robbery.

Amirtarokh Varian was given the 6 months imprisonment on Thursday.

Varian who is not a registered student with any university in the country was arrested on April 10 and detained for 10 days until April 20 on accusation of stealing electronic devices and accessories at different dates from 3 different rooms of a student's apartment in Gazimağusa.

According to police report at the time, Varian allegedly committed the crimes on April, 1, 3 and 8, 2018 and is said to have broken into the student dorms at night.

He was accused of stealing 2 laptop, a power bank, two chargers and 400 TL cash after gaining entrance into the dorm. 

He sold the computers for a total of 620TL police report claims.

Police also accused the suspect of fraudulent use of money between April, 3 and 5, 2018 which it said is a criminal offense.

The court, stated that the offenses are serious and grave and warned that they would not tolerate those who disregard the laws adding that the corrective punishment given to Varian would be a deterrent to those who commit such crimes.

The court ordered that the stolen items be returned to the legal owner.Varian will be released and sent to his country after serving his jail term.

Photos by Kibris
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