Erdoğan threatens Greece, Cyprus on Cyprus Independence Day

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday issued threats to Athens and Nicosia on the 58th anniversary of Cyprus's independence celebration.

According to the news by Greek Kathimerini newspaper, Erdogan said;

I have to repeat that in Cyprus and the Aegean no move can be made without Turkey, the paper quoted Erdoğan as saying, before warning that “those that try to ignore us in this region place their existence in jeopardy.

Erdoğan’s remarks follow statements by Ankara that Turkey will begin drilling for gas in the Eastern Mediterranean amid Greek Cypriot concerns that the country could be planning operations within Cyprus’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), Kathimerini reported.

Meanwhile, Greek Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades on Sunday called on the Turkish Cypriots to recognize the rights of all Cypriots, and stressed the need for mutual respect.

In statement at the military parade at Nicosia to mark Cyprus’ Independence Day, Anastasiades said that while it is a day to be proud of, the anniversary should also be used to reflect on what happened in the past.

source: Parikiaki
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