Cyprus Talks: Greek Cypriot side insisting on open ended talks proves they don't want a solution to the Cyprus problem - Akıncı

President of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, Mustafa Akinci has blast the Greek Cypriot side for insisting on open ended talks which according to him, proves that they are insisting on the non solution of the Cyprus problem.”

In a press conference held at the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus New York Representative Office after his meeting with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Friday last week, Akinci said;

During all of the courses carried out for the solution of the Cyprus problem, the positive stance carried out by the Turkish Cypriot side and its contributions have been recognised and confirmed by the UN Secretary General.

Akinci said the Turkish Cypriot side did not want the removal of the UN parameters that had brought the process all the way up to the Crans-Montana summit  adding that they did not approve of those who called for its removal.

It entails bizonality, the political equality of two constituent states and the Turkish Cypriots active participation. Even if some don’t want to accept the Crans-Montana summit it also entailed the UN Secretary General’s rotating presidential system. We will not allow this to pass. We do not approve of those who want to prevent this said Akıncı.
He emphasized the fact that previous negotiation processes had come to an end and said it was not possible to reach a different outcome by repeating the same old methods.

Therefore the Greek Cypriot side insisting on open ended talks just proves that they are insisting on the non solution of the Cyprus problem said Akıncı.

He noted that they must aim to come to an understanding on a package agreement that is result orientated, strategic and within a timeframe.

He reiterated that anything contrary to this will not yield an agreement.

If a package that has a timeframe, is result orientated and strategic is put forward it is also important for the UN Secretary General to be a part of this himself said Akıncı.
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