3 thousand years old grave and artifacts found in Tatlisu, north Cyprus

Photo by Yeniduzen
Historical artifacts and ancient tombs dating back to 3,000 years ago were found in an excavation carried out in Tatlısu, north Cyprus.

The artifacts were found in excavations carried out by archaeologists and staff of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment.

A number of findings dating back to 1050 - 750 BC were unearthed in the excavation.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, the artifacts totaling 37 some of which includes; a ritual stone in the grave, 1 scoop, 2 amphoriscos, 1 footed bowl, 1 basket jug with handle, 1 pot, 3 plates, 1 metal finds, 1 test (pot) 1 scarab, 4 pieces of oinochoe, 1 oil lamp, 5 pieces of amphora and 4 bowls were removed from the ancient grave.

Photo by Havadis
Director of the Department of Antiquities and Museums Fuat Azimli said in a statement, that the artifacts taken to the conservation laboratory will be ready for exhibition in the new museums.
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