TRNC Pharmacy working hours changed

Pharmacies working hours in north Cyprus will change as from Monday September, 17, 2018.

Pharmacies will now open from 08.00am to 6.30pm on weekdays until 31 March 2019; and on Saturdays, pharmacies will be opened between 08.00am and 1.30pm. 

According to the new notification under the Regulation on Pharmacy, published in the TRNC Official Gazette, between 1 April and 12 May, pharmacists will on weekdays open between 08.00am -7.00pm;and on Saturdays, pharmacies will open from 08.30am to 1.30pm.

From May 13 to September 15, pharmacies will be open from 08.00am to 1.00pm and from 5.00pm to 7.00 on weekdays; and on Saturday between 08.00am-1.30pm.

The rest of the times in these periods and during market days, pharmacies will only be opened on duty pharmacies.

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