Gönyeli Mayor hit back at ‘Berlin Wall’ criticism of the new Gönyeli underpass project

The mayor of Gönyeli has hit back at critics of a new underpass project likened to the “Berlin Wall” after construction was halted by a court injunction, causing months of traffic chaos. 

Ahmet Benli said that the new road built under a section of the Lefkoşa-Güzelyurt dual carriageway, which has been closed since March because of the work, was vital to relieving congestion in Gönyeli.

Construction workers began demolishing and rebuilding part of the Lefkoşa-Güzelyurt road to make way for the underpass, which was opened to traffic in June.

Few weeks ago, we brought you a report (read here) about the new underground bypass project across the Lefkosa - Güzelyurt highway in Gonyeli which was abandoned for three months due to a court injunction after residents and business owners filed for it's cancellation.
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