‘No rip-offs’, TRNC government warns traders

Opportunistic” retailers have been warned against using the recent sharp fall in the value of the Turkish lira as cover for “excessive” price rises in everyday products.

The warning was contained in a speech by TRNC, Prime Minister Tufan Erhürman warned on Friday. 

He said Finance Ministry teams would be carrying out spot-checks at shops and businesses “to protect ordinary citizens” from being ripped off.

The announcement came as his Cabinet met to approve a 24-point package — initially 23, but with a measure curbing rents by the Evkaf foundation added on Thursday — aimed at countering the effects of the TL crash.

Ministers sat from 10am to 5pm on Friday before Deputy Prime Minister Kudret Özersay emerged to confirm that some measures had been agreed, to run until December 31.

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