Woman caught on camera unleashing racist, hate-filled rant against “illegal immigrants” on-board a New York bus

A woman was caught on camera unleashing a tirade of verbal abuse against “illegal immigrants” in a local New York bus shouting “I’m sick of you motherf**kers!.” 

I hope you all got your motherf**king papers, the unidentified woman yells to Transport of Rockland passengers on Saturday, according to video that rider Zoe Mac posted on Facebook, the NY Post has reported.
I’m sick of you motherf**kers! You got papers to be in this country? she says, standing toward the back of the bus and holding on to a pole.

Mr Mac said he was heading home from work when the belligerent passenger unleashed her tirade on him and others.

Ignorance at its finest … racism never died and this is what people like me and who can relate go through…, he captioned the video.

In another clip of the verbal assault, the unhinged woman yells, “F**k you and your n****r f**king people!”

And in yet a different video, the combative commuter tells someone to “go back to your f** king country.”

The woman defended her rant under the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech. Picture: YouTube
A woman unleashes a tirade of racist invective on a suburban New York bus. Picture: YouTubeSource:Supplied
As the target of her tirade asks her to please stop, she gets up again and says: “First of all, in this country, we have what’s called the First Amendment right,” before becoming enraged when she notices Mr Mac filming her and proceeds to knock his phone out of his hand.

Stop! Stop! Do not hit anybody! the other passengers yell, as a slap can be heard off camera.

Someone else pleads with an unidentified person to “grab your mother, that is your mother, please grab her,” before a man can be seen dragging her back to her seat.

More footage of me being discriminated on, she even did it to the bus driver, Mr Mac wrote in the caption.

Another passenger, Vladimir Philidore, said the woman became unglued for no apparent reason and confirmed that she directed her ire at the bus driver first, before turning on the passengers.

She’s just going at the mouth, with the racial slurs. The N-words, Mr Philidore told Westchester’s News12.
Some people were scared, especially the elderly people, he added to PIX11.

The bus driver called the authorities and the local police arrested the woman.

Police, who did not release the woman’s name because she was only charged with violations, said they also had to deal with her earlier in the day for the same type of vile conduct, according to the Mount Pleasant Daily Voice.

This article was first published in the NY Post
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