South Cyprus's actions give no encouragement to the Cyprus problem

Founder member of Pax Cypria Cyprus Institute for Peace Costas Apostolides, in an opinion piece for Greek Cypriot daily Cyprus Mail, writes that the Greek Cypriot government’s actions give no encouragement to the Cyprus negotiations.

He lists a number of incidences to illustrate this, including the fuel embargo on purchasing fuel from the north. 

A number of Greek Cypriot motorists were fined and threatened with having their vehicles confiscated for buying fuel in the north. Following a severe backlash to this latest move, the customs department issued a statement to “clarify” that only individuals attempting to profiteer by filling up extra canisters of cheaper fuel from the north would be fined. 

Other instances such as calling on ambassadors not to attend the ceremony marking the renovation of the Ravelin Bastion in Famagusta old city, a project which had been achieved through EU funding and the efforts of the bi-communal cultural committee. Happily they disregarded this edict.

On top of which, self-designated mayor of Famagusta Alexis Galanos, spoke out against the opening of the new, long-delayed, but almost complete border crossing at Derinya. Adding further confusion since Nicos Anastasiades and Mustafa Akinci had repeatedly committed themselves to the opening of the checkpoint.

Other examples include not permitting the linking up of mobile telephony across the island even though technical issues had been addressed and not connecting the electricity grids of the two communities.

Such inconsistency does not show real willing to develop trust between the two sides or to advance the peace process, he concludes.

Cyprus Mail
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