Feminism; How far have we gone

Women are the most powerful being to me, but still most do not realise their strength and value so they glamour for equity with men. Most of these argument for equity has been mostly pioneered by some folks who may have made wrong decisions, been offended by a man, had a bad or violence upbringing, or some failed relationships. 

They have taken their personal experience as a yardstick to judge others and project certain beliefs. 

Feminism is the world in which most have taken their solace. Some folks have so redefined feminism to the extent that its beginning to lose value, and the target goal is been miss.

Feminism is a great cause, as I believe that women should have every opportunity as their male counterparts. I strongly believe that a woman who has distinguished herself in her given field deserve all the accolades as their male folks, that a woman should  be able to contest for the highest position in the land, in their firm, in their religions and so on. 

I believe that value should be placed on the girl child as its place on the boy child. I believe that as we scold our girl child for their short comings we should also scolds the male child. I believe that as we groom our girl child to be lovely mothers and wives we should also teach our male children to be amazing husbands and Fathers.

So why should feminism take away my gentleman's nature? How has it become wrong to open the door for my wife, female colleague, or Neighbor? With the overly outrageous stance been taken by feminist one may have to ask if its still necessary to do both our chores and the very masculine task. 

At home when we need to lift heavy loadings, as a couple its non negotiable to ask who should! when the generating set suddenly goes off and needs some checking. I think by instinct the man should be the first to go check. There are certain chores, situations that naturally pulls a certain nerves in different sexes, that is not to say its akin to see the other sexes partake in them. 

Feminism should be creating greater opportunities for the female folks rather than destroying the male folks or the harmony that exist between both sex. Instead of grooming arrogant female, we should be creating understanding males and teachable females.

Instead of breaking marriages we should be teaching our men and women how to build their marriages.

The issues of rape in marriages and the funny narratives by some ladies just to use sex as negotiating tool in the marriage, or broker power through sex starvation of their husbands, or the intentional use of sex to subdue their male counterparts just to claim equity is disheartening. 

While I do not doubt rape in the context of marriage i believe its totally avoidable by little or no effort!. 

It is important to know that their is an elastic limit,and a breaking point to some matters, some feminist have already elapsed their elastic limits and are far gone in their breaking point.It is imperative to know that women are deserving of their rights and privileges, and should be able to aim for the highest height in life, career and pursuit, but it shouldn't be at the detriment of their homely, sisterly, wifely, and motherly responsibilities and their peaceful co existence with their male cohabitants..

Written by Udu "Celle" Bright.
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