Cyprus Talks: UN Secretary-General to send senior UN official to conduct in-depth consultations with both sides

The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has announced his intention to send a senior UN official to conduct in-depth consultations with both parties of the divided Cyprus island within the framework of the efforts to solve the Cyprus Problem.

Guterres also encouraged the parties to recognize the importance of this exercise and to seize the opportunity accordingly.

Guterres’s announcement came in his final report on the efforts to reach a solution in Cyprus which was circulated late yesterday as an official document.

In his report, Guterres says that in the coming period he intends to send a senior United Nations official to conduct in-depth consultations with the parties in the framework of the efforts to solve the Cyprus issue.

I believe there is still scope for the sides to act responsibly and decisively in order to chart a common way forward for the island, said The UNSG.

In the coming period, I intend to send a senior United Nations official to conduct in-depth consultations with the parties. The consultations will provide a more formal, structured, and detailed channel for the parties to convey to the United Nations the outcomes of their reflection since Crans-Montana and to help determine whether conditions have or have not matured at this stage for a meaningful process. I encourage the parties to recognize the importance of this exercise and to seize the opportunity accordingly.

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