Cyprus girl cries out after guy insulted her pu**y in her dm

A Cyprus babe got the insult of her life when a guy she hasn't met before decided to rain insults on her because she refused to reply his DM....

According to a screen shot of the conversation obtained from iLite TV, the guy probably lost it after the girl refused to reply all his DMs.

In his rant, the guy whose identity was not revealed said the girl he know the girl from Zimbabwe and was acting childish by not replying his DM. 

He went further to say he hope she's not HIV positive and urged her to go get a test to be sure. LoL.

The girl, a former Miss EMU in a chat with iLite TV said she doesn't know the guy and believes that's his behavior as two other girls were also meted with the same treatment by the same guy.

Meanwhile, in the comment section, some social media userers demanded that the guy's identified be made public while others criticized the guy for going overboard to insult the girl just because she refused to reply his DMs.

When we talk of social media ethics, should such a thing like this be done no matter how hurt one might be due to other people's reaction towards them.

If this were you, what would you do?
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