Child calls police after being served salad by their parent

Some child have no joy... just imagine a child calling the police for his/her parents for being served food they don't like. However, a 12-year-old from Canada was recently offered a meal of salad but instead of gladly accepting it, they resorted to phoning the police to report this heinous crime. 

In a release published by the Halifax District Royal Canadian Mounted Police, authorities report that the incident happened on Tuesday in Nova Scotia.

The boy is said to have called the police twice after being served a salad by a parent, which wasn’t to their liking.

Police did respond to the call and although they were happy to talk to the child about their dislike of the food, they chose to highlight the importance of not misusing the emergency services.

In the statement, Dal Hutchinson says:

While many can relate to the dislike of a salad at times, this raises a more important issue that warrants discussion at all ages.
The improper use of 911 is an issue with all age groups and it ties up valuable resources, preventing emergency first responders from dealing with real emergencies.
There you go kids. Next time you are presented with a meal that you don’t like don’t be afraid about complaining but perhaps discuss it with your parent or guardian and allow the police to catch criminals instead.

Also, consider giving salad a go. It’s actually really good for you.

Don't try this in Africa because you won't eat for a week if you do
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