Cyprus Talks: I did not say zero guarantees, zero troops - Akinci

Turkish Cypriot president, Mustafa Akinci in an event on Monday said “Equality, freedom, and security are not exaggerated demands, but fundamental requirements” in the Cyprus problem. 

Akinci in the event noted a great deal of speculation has resulted from a statement he made in reference the 30th June Guterres Framework and according to him, he had not said “zero guarantees, zero troops” in none of his statements, and that the distortions on this issue were caused by misleading Greek Cypriot commentaries.

He said there is no “zero guarantees, zero troops” mindset, and nor was there in Crans-Montana, and reiterated that excluding Turkey from future security arrangements on the island would not be accepted by the Turkish Cypriot side.

Akıncı stated that in order to shape the future without compromising any principles, all sides need to improve their ability to adapt to the requirements and the conditions of today adding that although he behaves in accordance with this principle, the Greek Cypriot side continues to dilute and distort his statements.

According to him, the principles of the Turkish Cypriot side are; a structure which includes a rotating presidency and the effective participation of the Turkish Cypriots in decision-making, based on political equality and where one side cannot impose its will on the other and the Turkish Cypriots will feel secure.

He noted that the date of framework he mentioned in his previous statement was 30 June and the report of the UN Secretary-General and Greek Cypriot side’s letter also emphasized the date as ‘30 June’. Therefore, there is no framework dated “4 July”, as the Greek Cypriot side has asserted, and this date can clearly be seen as the Greek Cypriot side’s own interpretation.

Cyprium News

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