Fashion Today: Fashion secrets your stylists won’t tell you for free

People are totally judging you by your clothing
"Sadly, if I've learned one thing as the owner of a PR firm in LA, the reality is that people do judge a book by its cover. If you are slovenly or unkempt, most likely you will not be taken as seriously as one who is put together." —Michelle Czernin von Chudenitz Morzin, founder and CEO of Popular Press Media Group.

Having style doesn't have to mean dresses and heels

"Fashion doesn't mean having to be super girly. I am a tomboy at heart so I like to encourage women like me to experiment with menswear or more casual pieces. One tomboy trend I love is a trench coat with cute sneakers!" —Olivia Pierson, TipTalk fashion expert and stars of WAGS
Don't believe everything you see on Instagram

"Social media doesn't always show the whole picture. For instance, as glamorous as I appear on social media, I wish people knew that not only am I most comfortable in sweatpants and a sweatshirt but it's when I feel the sexiest!" —Natalie Halcro, TipTalk fashion expert and stars of WAGS

Spending too much time choosing your outfit can ruin the rest of your day

"Not enough people have heard of decision fatigue. Decision fatigue is the result of making too many decisions during the course of the day. All of these little decisions add up and actually drain the brain of decision-making power later on. So don't waste your brainpower in the morning trying to get dressed. Instead get rid of things you can’t or don’t wear regularly and simplify your wardrobe to pieces you like. Keep your clothing simple, so you will have the energy to tackle life’s tougher problems." —Dan Moyer Jr., stylist and national director of social media for Closet Factory.

The hottest clothing item isn't clothing

"There are so many trend pieces, online articles, news snippets, and magazine blurbs about what the next 'it' things are or what things you 'should never be seen in again.' All that is propaganda. True personal style is that which looks great to the outside world but makes the wearer feel even greater inside. If you are confident in your style, it will project beauty no matter what you're wearing." —Stephen V Hernandez, a personal stylist based out of NYC.

Save money by combining expensive items with sale-rack stuff

"It's perfectly okay to mix expensive items with cheaper pieces." —Ms. Pierson.

Don't be a slave to trends

"Regardless of what's trending at the moment, try to stay true to yourself. Know what you look good in and what you like and stick to that." —Ms. Halcro

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