Passenger sexually assaults a female flyer, attempts to ‘strangle’ other women, fights men and attacks a baby on Russian plane

A passenger wrecked havoc on a Russia flight by sexually assaulting a young woman, trying to ‘strangle’ several other females and grabbing a child by the neck.  

The unnamed 47-year-old also punched and kicked male passengers and at one point sought to attack a baby on the domestic Siberian Airlines flight from St Petersburg to Novosibirsk.

The violent, foul-mouthed man strode up and down the cabin randomly lashing out at travellers, then sitting down next to them – including terrified women, abusing them and making unprovoked attacks, said passengers and police.

The crazed economy class passenger even tried to undress himself in front of shocked and scared travelers, removing his top.

Eventually passengers overpowered him – as seen from an on board video – and crew members constrained him with straps.
A man on board became violent. His seat was somewhere in the front of the cabin, passenger Stanislav Semenov said.
I was on the 20th row. At first, he began just to walk here and there, swearing all the time, disturbing passengers with questions and being abusive….
A steward offered him a seat at the back but he kept walking up and down, and started attacking passengers randomly and beating them.
Shocking: The violent, foul-mouthed man also reportedly grabbed a child by the neck and sought to attack a baby in mid-air
Violent: He also fought with several other passengers, swore and tried to undress on the plane
In detention: Once the plane had landed in Novosibirsk, he was arrested by police

source: Daily Mail

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