Barcelona and Bristol, two cities with the highest rate of cocaine consumption

Barcelona is known to have the worst cocaine consumption rates in Europe but Bristol is the cocaine capital of the United Kingdom according to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug addiction.

Bristol ranks the number one place for cocaine use in the UK, above cities such as London and Manchester, and is fifth place for use in Europe last year, reports the Bristol Post .

The report states that 754.7mg of the stimulant are consumed per 1000 residents in the city each day.  

The EU city with the highest cocaine use was found to be Barcelona with a daily consumption of 965.2mg of the drug per 1000 residents, followed by Zurich, Antwerp, St Gallen and Geneva.  

How did they know this?

Researchers tested waste water, such as sewage, for drug reside to collect their results. 

They found the Netherlands has a preference for MDMA, with three of the country’s cities ranking in the top ten, and Germany leads the EU for crystal meth use.

Researchers concluded that cocaine use is increasing in western and southern Europe along with misuse of opioid drugs such as prescription painkillers.

The analysis was based on data from 43 million people.

No cities in the UK feature in the reports top 10 for either MDMA (ecstacy) or methamphetamine (crystal meth).

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