South Cyprus Presidential election: Anastasiades comes top, to go for second round on Sunday

Greek Cypriots went to the polls today to elect a new president, and with results already out, incumbent President Nicos Anastasiades comfortably made it through to the second round of the presidential elections slated for Sunday February 4, after receiving 35.5 per cent of the votes in an election voters refused to turn out for especially the youth. 

According to report by Greek Cypriot daily, Cyprus Mail, those who did not turn up for the votes on Sunday represents 28.6 per cent of voters.

As the results stands, Anastasiades will be running against Akel-backed independent Stavros Malas who received 30.25 per cent of votes. 

The results mean that the third main contender, Diko leader Nicolas Papadopoulos with 25.75 per cent of the votes is out of the running, report Cyprus Mail.

Final election results - Source (Cyprus Mail)
Polling stations abroad overall gave Malas 40.8 per cent to Anastasiades’ 31.8 per cent.

According to report a total of 71.4 per cent of voters cast their ballot on Sunday compared to 83.14 per cent of voters during the last presidential race in 2013, which was also considered low at the time. 

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