Cyprus Weather: The New Year to start with cold and rains

The new year will start with cold and rain in addition to three days of dust particles carried from North Africa across the Mediterranean effective from Saturday midnight.
It is expected to rain in certain parts of the TRNC until the first days of the new year.

According to a weather forecast report by the North Cyprus Meteorological Agency's covering the period between Thursday, December 28, 2017 to Wednesday, January 3, 2018, the period will be rainy with thunderstorms.  

The temperature will drop to 3-4 degrees on Sunday and Monday ushering the cold weather.
The sky will be partly cloudy in the morning, with some light rain showers.

On Saturday, it will be partly cloudy with occasional overcast while on Sunday, there will be heavy showers, with partly cloudy weather.

The early hours of Monday morning (January 1st 2018) will be slightly cloudy with heavy showers which will continue into Tuesday and Wednesday.

The highest temperature during the period will be around 17 to 20 inland and in the coastal areas, and around 13 to 16 Celsius on Sunday and Monday.

On the other hand, the Department warned that dust particles would be effective in the country for 3 days.

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