Wendy Williams collapses on her show

US Talk Show Host, Wendy Williams left her staff and viewers during her talk show on Tuesday morning in shock and scared after she apparently collapsed live on television.

Wendy who was wearing a Statue of Liberty Halloween costume, misspoke and lost her footing while introducing the segment, but was able to regain her balance getting wobbly again.

She looked visibly shaken and alarmed prior to collapsing a few seconds later and was immediately cared for by her staffers and producers. The incident happened about 48 minutes into the 1-hour show, which airs at 1 p.m. on FOX8 today.
She later returned and continued hosting after a commercial, and told the audience she passed out after overheating in her Halloween costume.

That was not a stunt,” the 53-year-old host said.  I overheated in my costume, and I did pass out. But you know what? I’m a champ, and I’m back.

Moments later, Williams joked about the incident and asked the audience:

Was I passed out for that long?
She later took to twitter to let her fans knows she was doing fine.

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