Survey says men with beards are more likely to lie, cheat and steal

Before jumping into conclusion, I would say I've got a few friends who are sporting beards at the moment – and frankly can i say i trust them? I’ve never trusted them anyway. On a serious note though, video social network Eva recently conducted a survey via Census wide to find out what people had to say about the beard trend among men and the result were interesting to say the least.

The common thought behind growing beards is that they make men look more edgy, hence improving their chances with the opposite sex. Sadly though the survey didn’t paint these bearded-gents in a particularly good light.

The results of the UK-based study however delivered some bad news for men who have dedicated months to growing out beards in hopes of attracting women, having a more active sex lives and generally looking better. Not to mention, bad news for the women they’ve been dating. The survey discovered that bearded men were actually bad boys that participated in some rather uncouth behaviors.

Out of the 1,500 men polled, 
-47% of men with a beard admitted to cheating on a partner, compared to 20% of clean-shaven men.

-If that wasn’t bad enough for beards, 40% of men with a beard also came clean about having stolen, compared to 17% of clean-shaven men. This isn’t looking good…

-45 percent of bearded men admitted to enjoying being involved in a fist fight, compared to 29 percent of clean-shaven men.

But surely women still love the bearded look regardless? The real dig for guys came from the results of a survey asking women how attractive they found a goatee.

-Apparently not as roughly 65% of women said they preferred their man clean-shaven.

-In fact, more than 35% of women polled would rather have grey hair on their fella than facial hair. 

There was me thinking that beards equated to a better sex life? Turns out it’s all a mirage. Could this be the onset of the baby face trend? For men looking to get laid, it seems like the wave.

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