Turkish military opens beach near the fenced-off town of Varosha - grant access to only Turkish nationals and Turkish Cypriots

The Turkish military has opened a beach near the fenced-off town of Varosha granting access to only Turkish nationals and Turkish Cypriots.
The report by Turkish-Cypriot newspaper Yeni Duzen say Turkish and Turkish Cypriot can only gain access to the beach on presentation of a valid identification while Greek Cypriots and other foreign nationals are not allowed to enter.

According to report, the beach is open from May 15 – October 29 is a result of a “protocol” signed by the Turkish Military with the Famagusta Municipality.

On Monday, a bi-communal group #UniteCyprusNow, a group advocating for the reunification of the island criticized the move as divisive.

The recent opening of a beach in Dherynia to just Turkish Cypriots and Turkish citizens is ethnic separation and a violation of human rights and freedoms, the group said in an announcement.
The practice where access to a beach is permitted by the presentation of identity papers is an anachronistic and shameful policy of apartheid and cannot under any circumstances be justified, the group said.

The group called on the Turkish Cypriot authorities to abolish “this shameful discrimination policy” immediately.

International law provides equal dignity and value to human beings and the right to equality and non-discrimination for all, regardless of nationality, it said.

The fenced-off area of Varosha is a military zone controlled exclusively by the Turkish military.

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