Tanzanian president bans pregnant teenage girls from school

Tanzania has banned teenage mothers from continuing their education after having their babies.

President John Magufuli, issued the ban while addressing residents of Bagamoyo District during a tour of the region on Friday.

Magufuli accused some Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) who aid teenage mothers to continue their education after having their babies, of being used by foreigners to achieve their aim.

“There are many things that girls, who are impregnated can do after delivery; they can join VETA (Vocational Education Training Authority centres), they can learn sewing but they can’t go back to school, Magufuli was quoted as saying.

According to AfricaNews, President Magufuli said allowing teen mothers to resume school will encourage other students to folow the same path.

If we were to allow them back to school, one day we will find all girls who are in Standard One have babies, He said.

The president may have voiced out due to the pressure his administration has been put under by the NGOs who have been clamouring for teen mothers to be allowed back in classrooms.

Tanzania’s ban on pregnant girls attending state primary and secondary schools dates back to 1961, when the country secured its independence from Britain, though it does not extend to private schools.

What does this decision means for young girls and mothers in the country?

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