How to turn heads and get people to notice you

Have you ever being in a place or room and a babe enters and all eyes turned towards her?. It’s as if she filled the whole place with her presence and others can’t take their eyes off her. What makes her so noticeable, is it her look or her outfit? 

It’s simple………. Poise and confidence.

Cultivating the right qualities and presenting yourself in the right ways goes a long way towards turning peoples’ head. Wanna turn heads? follow these rules:

Make sure your clothes fits

No one ever looks  perfect but you can make yourself look good by making sure your clothes fit you properly. Clothing that is too tight makes you look lumpy and it screams that you want attention, on the other hand clothing that is too loose makes you look like you don’t want any attention at all. 

What features are you most proud of? Gorgeous legs, your ample curves or toned arms, be sure to dress to accentuate it.

Wearing an interesting accessories is also a good way to capture peoples’ attention. A beautiful earring or a gorgeous neck piece catches attention, try to find something that is unique and flattering.

Take care of your hair

Numerous studies across the ages had shown that men are attracted to shiny, lustrous hair. They can’t help it……it’s in their DNA. Ensure you are regularly washing and conditioning your hair. 

Men are more attracted to longer hair, so if you’ve got longer hair, let it  down over your shoulder rather than tucking it out of sight in a bun or ponytail.

Take care of your skin

Healthy glowing skin is attractive to people and more likely to catch their attention. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Your digestive tract also has an important effect on the health and clarity of your skin. 

Eat plenty of probotics to help regulate your digestive tract. You can get this through sugar free yogurt. Don’t forget to exercise as this increases your blood flow leading to a healthier glow.

Take care of your teeth

Want that captivating smile? Take care of your teeth!. people tend to rate others as more attractive if they have white teeth. White teeth can be seen as an indication that you effectively groom yourself and that you are healthy.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss them at least once a day. While brushing take note of the molar teeth at the extreme. Some people tend to ignore  it especially as their brush doesn’t reach there. This can cause mouth odour and there is nothing attractive about mouth odour.

Enhance your look with makeup

If you are trying to turn heads, then don’t stick to the *natural* look. Obviously a little red lipstick will help you out there. Eye makeup that catches the light and sparkles is a sure way to make people look as well.

Colorful nails can also create an exciting impression. Always try to keep your nails nicely maintained and neat because people will register that.
Spray a sweet smelling perfume Your perfume speaks volume about you, it announces your presence every where you go.  spray a pleasant perfume that grabs attention without overpowering the room. when you walks by, people will surely turn their heads.

Be confident

It doesn’t matter whether you are the most attractive person ever or whether you have the best wardrobe, if you aren’t confident about yourself forget it! Want to turn heads? Exude confidence, it’s one of the sexiest qualities around.

Remember confidence is one thing but arrogance and meanness is another.

Walk tall

Carry yourself with a tall yet relaxed posture. Cultivate poise in the way you move.  You Don’t  want to strut like a super model or be in a hurry. Avoid slamming doors or clomping your feet on the ground.

Love yourself

While looks and clothing can attract attention, the single most attractive feature anyone can have is self love. Your inner thoughts will shine outward in your eyes, smile and posture. 

Every day look in the mirror, deep in your eyes and say * I love you* . think about someone you love deeply and give that love to yourself. True love is unconditional and your first love is YOU

Do away with negative thinking

Pay  attention to what you think about yourself. Do you have the tendency to say things like*no one is ever going to notice me or I’ll never be attractive enough to turn heads*? It’s time to replace your negative thought patterns with positive thought, for example if you think *no one is ever going to notice me* replace that with*my new  red gown is fabulous*. I’m sure other people will think so too.

Smile and the whole world smiles with you. Be kind to yourself and others. Respect yourself and others. Happiness is attractive!

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