Cyprus weather throughout the year on a month-by-month basis

How long have you been in Cyprus, is this your summer in Cyprus? Living in Cyprus, it often feels as though the transitions between summer and winter are almost seamless, as the lush greens of winter give way to stark browns within a month of the rainy season's end.
Average Daytime Temperature: 12
Average Number of Rainy Days: 8
In Cyprus, the winter climate doesn't really set in properly until Orthodox Christmas, which falls on January 6th. After that, it does tend to get a little nippy at nights, and even the days can be cool.
This is the height of the rainfall season, and during a wet winter you can expect it to rain for half the month. Average temperatures fall as low as 3 degrees centigrade during the night and 10 or 12 in day-time, even along the coastal plains.
Overall, the weather in Cyprus during January tends to be mainly overcast even when it's not raining, with a few days of sunshine thrown in here and there.

Average Daytime Temperature: 15
Average Number of Rainy Days: 6
The first half of February is more or less an extension of January, with quite a few cloudy and rainy day, interspaced with the occasional gloriously sunny one.
After the middle of the month the climate very gradually starts to warm up again, with temperatures sometimes topping 20 during the day, and the average night-time temperature creeping above 10 degrees again.
In the second half of February, the weather gets markedly dryer, as the island's rainy season has passed its peak. By the end of the month you'll already see more sunshine than clouds again.

Average Daytime Temperature: 20
Average Number of Rainy Days: 5
During the early part of March life on the island comes back into full swing, as the sun will show its face on most days, and the rains gradually ease away. On the whole you can expect mild to warm days and nights, with average day-time temperatures ranging around 20 degrees, though you'll still need a light jacket if you're out during the evening.
For the month as a whole, the average rainfall expected is about five days, and it's also the time when the spring gales start, so it can get a little blustery sometimes, even when it's sunny.
Although Cyprus gets tourist traffic all-year-round the warmer, sunnier weather in March makes it a good time to visit if you're interested in getting outdoors and seeing the island in its full floral glory.

Average Daytime Temperature: 25
Average Number of Rainy Days: 4
Cyprus' weather in April tends to be quite a mixed bag. The rainy season is well and truly drawing to a close, but there's still the occasional downpour.
Days tend to be warm and sunny, but the spring gales make April quite a windy month, and can sometimes make it feel quite a bit cooler than it actually is. With that said, the month is definitely warm enough to start thinking about hitting the beach again.
Temperatures hit the mid-20s during the day, and it's time to pack away the heavy duvet, as night-time temperatures average around 15 - 17.

Average Daytime Temperature: 26
Average Number of Rainy Days: 2
This is where the island warms up again, as average temperatures regularly top 30 degrees centigrade after the middle of May. By now the rains have mostly stopped, though you might expect an occasional shower now and again.
May is the month when many seasoned holiday makers and holiday home owners arrive in Cyprus, taking advantage not only of the pre-season prices, but also the glorious weather, which is very warm, but not yet as scorchingly hot as between June and August.
Around the start of the May, the spring gales draw to a close, though they have been known to bring with them the occasional dust storm from North Africa at this time.

Average Daytime Temperature: 33
Average Number of Rainy Days: 0
In June it's hot, very hot, and it's now that most of the estate agencies out there start bending the truth about average temperatures in Cyprus.
Whereas during the Winter and Spring months most graphs and charts (including ours on the main weather page) consist of day-time high temperatures, during June, July and August many Cyprus weather and temperature charts will show temperatures which are calculated by taking day-time highs, and night-time lows, and then splitting the difference on the cool side.
And that's why you'll see most Cyprus temperature charts claiming the island to have an average temperature of 30 degrees in June, when they regularly pass the mid-30s in reality.

Average Daytime Temperature: 42
Average Number of Rainy Days: 0
You guessed it, July is scorching. By the end of the month, most of the island's residents have forgotten what clouds look like, as the days are a succession of unbroken sunshine.
As the summer-holiday crowds start to arrive in Larnaca and Pahos, most Cypriots who are not in some way connected with the tourist industry start to head for the mountains to escape the oppressive heat.
How hot does the weather in July get? At times it will easily push the mid-40s centigrade.

Average Daytime Temperature: 42
Average Number of Rainy Days: 0
The same holds true for the month of August. Temperatures during the day are in the mid to upper 40s, and rarely drop under 30 at night.
Cyprus' weather in July and August is why God invented Air Conditioning, as most unwary tourists quickly find out on their first visits. And that's exactly why seasoned holidaymakers will visit the island in May or between late September and early October.
Local TV Stations no longer screen weather reports, as there's very little point. What are they going to say except "It's scorching and sunny"?

Average Daytime Temperature: 33
Average Number of Rainy Days: 1
For the first ten days in September it's more of the same, unrelenting, oppressive heat both day and night. Then, normally between the 12th and 15th something shifts. At this point the first weather-front of autumn hits Cyprus from the north and it turns markedly cooler practially overnight.
One day temperatures are pushing 40, the next they only make it up to 32 or 33. This has held true every single year since we established ourselves in Cyprus back in 2004.
After the middle of September it gradually gets cooler again, and there's also the possibility of the occasional shower, which is a welcome sight after three dry months. 

Average Daytime Temperature: 25
Average Number of Rainy Days: 3
Like May, October tends to be a wonderfully temperate month, and one when the seasoned holiday crowds hit Cyprus again.
The weather is excellent, with only a couple or three rainy days to be expected for the month, and with most days being sun-filled and warm. Temperatures still range around the 30 degree mark during the day until the end of October, so it's plenty warm enough to grab your snorkel and head for the beach.
It does start to get a little cooler around the last week of the month, as Cyprus' gradual slide towards Winter-time, and the rainy season begins in earnest.

Average Daytime Temperature: 22
Average Number of Rainy Days: 4
The weather during November is still mainly temperate and sunny. In fact, it's still perfectly warm enough on most afternoons to go for a swim in the Med, and the rainy season doesn't set in properly until the end of the month.
Average Day-time temperatures tend to hover around 22 degrees, and during November things can get a little breezy, as the autumn winds set in, making it feel a little cooler
Since 2004 we've seen the rainfall vary quite widely during November, and though the official average for the month is four days, you may not see any rain at all one year, then spend half the month putting up with torrential downpours the followinf year.

Average Daytime Temperature: 17
Average Number of Rainy Days: 6
Although the weather in December is well underway towards Winter again, it's still a month when much of life can take place out of doors. In fact, many locals, both Cypriot and expatriate, still head for the beach at weekends, though by this time it's to have a beach barbecue rather than a swim.
During the day it can still hit 20 at times, though the averages run a little below that. Where rainfall is concerned, December sees the rainy season start in earnest, and the days are just as likely to be overcast as sunny, as the year draws to a close and we head for January again.

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