The Turkish Cypriots people have not given up on a solution - Akinci

Turkish Cypriot President Mustafa Akinci has dismissed speculation circulating around that the Turkish Cypriot people have given up on a solution to the Cyprus problem following stalled talks between the two sides.

Akinci who noted that the North would not accept just any solution just for the sake of a solution, said it was only natural that there were highs and lows in the negotiations.

Akinci said he will continue to seek a solution that will protect the rights, equality, security and freedoms of the Turkish Cypriot people.
“We in Cyprus have not given up on the idea of finding a viable solution to the Cyprus problem where we have equality. But this does not mean we will accept just any solution. We will continue on this path by protecting our rights, our equality, our security and freedom,” said Akinci.
He noted that new ways would open by which the present mistakes could be corrected adding that there were better days ahead.
“By moving ahead to better days we will be stronger in the event of a possible solution.”
Meanwhile the UN Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide, last week said that he is confident that both leaders of the divided island will find a way to return to the negotiating table.


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