Man r*ped lesbian teenage daughter just to 'show her’ s*x with men is better

However a child's sexual orientation is, it is unjustifiable for a parent to take advantage of the child for what soever reason. After reading this pathetic news of how a 54-year-old British man who thought that raping her daughter was the best way to prove to her that sex with men was better, you will agree with me that this is an abomination and whatever terms you think best describe it, either way you are right.
According to The Mirror, the father of a 16-year-old girl brutally attacked his daughter after she confided in him that she was “struggling with her identity.”

The man who has now been jailed for 21 years by an England court after being found guilty of three rapes during the 1980s and 90s, also raped his other daughter during two decades of sexual abuse.
Andrew Lockhart QC, the judge presiding over the case in the Warwick Crown Court told the defendant that his offence demonstrated his hostility towards his daughter as a lesbian.”
“As a 16-year-old girl she realised she was gay and, struggling with her identity as many people do at that age, she decided to tell you,” he said.
“You reacted by showing real and uncontrolled anger, and you decided to rape her to show her why it would be better to have sex with men than women. Her evidence made harrowing listening.
“That rape involved degradation and humiliation. The offence demonstrated your hostility towards her as a lesbian.”
The judge also ordered the man to serve an additional five years in jail and to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
“The court heard from both of these two women. They have both been severely psychologically damaged by your behaviour, said Judge Andrew Lockhart QC to the brute.
“Listening to evidence of her feeling of guilt at leaving her sister to face you was the most harrowing of evidence.”

Though the man had pleaded not guilty to nine charges of indecent assault, one of indecency with a child and three of rape.

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