Malaysia expels North Korean ambassador, declares him "persona non grata"

Malaysia on Saturday expelled North Korean ambassador to the country, declaring him "persona non grata," ordering the envoy to leave the country within 48 hours after he criticised Malaysia's investigation into the killing of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un's half-brother.

The move comes just three weeks after Kim Jong Nam, was murdered at Kuala Lumpur's airport after two women allegedly smeared his face with the toxic nerve agent VX with widespread suspicion claiming North Korea was responsible.

Malaysia also demanded an apology after Kang Chol, North Korea's ambassador to Malaysia, in February, said his country "cannot trust" Malaysia's handling of the probe, and also accused the country of "colluding with outside forces" in a veiled reference to bitter rival South Korea.
"Malaysia will react strongly against any insults made against it or any attempt to tarnish its reputation," said Anifah Haji Aman, the Malaysian foreign minister.
Malaysia, one of very few countries that had friendly relations with North Korea, last week cancelled it's visa-free travel for visiting North Koreans following the incident citing security reasons.

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