Weekly Motivation Corner: "Faith"

Welcome to this week’s episode of Weekly Motivation Corner. We hope you have been inspired in one way or the other by our previous editions.

We hope to get you motivated with inspirational and life transforming topics that will help you overcome the everyday challenges of life and put you right there where you belong and where you want to be.

This week we will be taking a look at the topic “Faith."

First we begin by defining the term faith;
Faith can be defined as the complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
Though the term 'faith' has numerous connotations and is used in different ways, often depending on context.

Faith is one key characteristic that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. No great man is pessimistic in attitude; Great men have faith in God, in their abilities, and in people. The world is hard on its own, it’s filled with various unfortunate twists and turns, it takes great faith to navigate through the struggles and ills of life. Les Brown will always say ‘No matter how bad it is, No matter how bad it gets, I’m Going to make it.’ 

Having faith is a necessity, it is a tool that makes the smallest men lift the heaviest load, it is the skill that makes the least person in the community become the greatest, it is the force that breaks through mountains and strong obstacles. It makes quitting difficult and it makes failure impossible. Without faith, depression and sadness will fill a man’s heart, but a man with faith is always happy, always hopeful, and always optimistic. A man with faith, smiles during the hard times because he believes good times are coming. 
A man with faith is never truly fulfilled, always working, always thriving to make a better future, because he believes no matter where he is, no matter what he has achieved, the future will always be better.

Be a man/woman of Faith, do not be discouraged, take every disappointment as a learning experience, when you fall, land on your back because if you can look up, you can get up.
We hope this piece was helpful and motivational. For any feedback, comments and questions, please drop your comments and questions on the comment box below and we will reply you swiftly.
Author: Imonitie Imafidon (Entrepreneur)

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