Meet the Indian man suffering from a rare condition that makes him eat bricks and mud

Meet the 30-year-old man from Indian who is addicted to eating bricks, gravel and mud. Pakkirappa Hunagundi is addicted to eating bricks, gravel and mud.  

Pakkirappa who swallows at least three kilos of his surroundings every day, first developed a taste for the inedible objects at the age of ten and ever since, he has snacked on walls and streets of Karnataka, India.
According to him, he has suffered no ill effects since he began feasting on bricks and mud.  
The bizarre eating disorder is thought to be a form of Pica, an illness which gives sufferers an appetite for substances without any nutritional value. 
 'I have been eating bricks and rocks for around 20 years now. I love eating them. It has become a part of my life.  I started at the age of 10. Now it feels like a necessity to me. I can skip meals, but not bricks or mud.  I have suffered no side effects. My teeth are absolutely fine. I can bite into the hardest stone without a problem, he said.

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