Cyprus Talks: Greek Cyprus president calls on Turkish Cyprus president to return to the negotiating table

After days of of going forth and back with the blame game on who walked out of the negotiating table during last week's meeting between Greek Cyprus president Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cyprus president, Mustafa Akinci, following the decision by the
Greek Cypriot parliament to introduce an annual commemoration of the 1950 referendum on the island’s union with Greece (Enosis) in public secondary schools, Anastasiades has now called on Akinci to return to the negotiating table.

According to the spokesperson for president Nicos Anastasiades, Anastasiades is ready to return to the negotiating table for a scheduled meeting with President Mustafa Akinci on Thursday February 23.
“The President will be at the meeting on Thursday and we hope that the Turkish Cypriot leader will also be there,” Christodoulides said.
“There are a number of issues and differences that need to be addressed and resolved…In the last ten days, we have been going around in circles over the same issue.”
“This is not the way to go forward. The President has always said that the Cyprus problem will be solved at the negotiating table and not in comments made in public.”
The decision by the Greek Cyprus parliament has seen the ongoing talks rapidly deteriorated as both leaders were engaged in blame games as to who walked out of the meeting. 

Cyprus Weekly

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