Cyprus Talks: Greek Cyprus president Anastasiades condemns Enosis Day vote

Greek Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has conceded that the decision by the Greek Cypriot parliament to introduce an annual commemoration of the 1950 referendum on the island’s union with Greece (Enosis) in public secondary schools was unjustified adding that the move was a bad idea. 

Anastasiades who made the statements on Saturday said the fears and concerns expressed by the Turkish Cypriots were unwarranted saying that;
“Simply because there was an agreement between us that the solution we seek is a bi–zonal bi–communal federation. No party claims or maintains that the solution we are seeking is that of a union [with Greece].
“Therefore, overreactions are not justified over a mere reference, which yes, I believe was wrong, not only as regards timing but also as regards its goal.
He also noted that secession or union with any other state, was out of the question.

Turkish Cyprus President Mustafa Akinci has called on Greek Cyprus parliament to revoke the bill on Enosis before he would return to the negotiating table.

In response to the call, Anastasiades said;
“The House of Representatives is an independent legislative body of the Republic and does not accept orders or diktats from anyone”.
“I never raised an issue with Mr Akinci to impose himself on the illegal administration which either makes decisions contrary to the common line or has different views,” Anastasiades said.
The two leaders are scheduled to meet again on Thursday February 23. 

Cyprus Mail

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