Artist creates naked Trump troll doll

Since becoming the US President, Donald Trump who is renowned for his Twitter trolling has continued to be loathed by many Americans alike. And this time, 56-year-old artist, Chuck Williams, a sculptor and vocal Trump non-supporter, has taken his spite for Trump to another level.

Chuck created an exact vinyl Trump troll doll that features Trump's likeness, including his trademark blonde hair, bushy eyebrows and his patented scowl as a way of trolling the president.

Williams created the 4.75-inch tall and 4-inch wide plastic figurine based on the buggy-eyed, rainbow-haired troll dolls, with a little Android cell phone in hand signifying Trump's Troll readiness to tweet.
Williams, a former senior staff sculptor for the Walt Disney Company in Burbank, California, posted several photos of the Trump troll doll on his website with the message;
 “I was as surprised as everyone else that Trump was elected. I just found myself sculpting a caricature of him to release some steam.”
Speaking on why the doll which has a visible miniature penis so graphic, Williams said:

“I sculpted him NSFW to make it clear that I sculpted the entire figure and did not simply sculpt a head on an existing toy body. And I wanted to be a bit insulting. Tiny hands you know.”

The doll is only available on pre-order and he hopes the dolls will begin being made and distributed in the next few months.

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