Tight security expected in Washington for Donald Trump's inauguration amid anti-Trump protests

US President-elect Donald Trump is set to be sworn in as the 45th commander-in-chief of the United States of America come Friday, January 20, 2017 and to this effect, an estimated 900,000 people including supporters and opponent will gather in Washington for the inauguration.

Attending the event will be around 250,000 protesters who feels Trump is unfit to be president due to his demeaning comments about women, immigrants and Muslims.

About 30 groups of protesters and Trump backers who are expected to draw around 270,000 people have received permits for rallies or marches before, during and after the swearing-in as more protests are expected without permits.

The biggest of all protest will be the Women's March on Washington on Saturday, which organizers say is expected to attract around 250,000 people.

Hundreds of Women's March-related protests are also scheduled across the US and around the world as well.

The full force of the US domestic security apparatus will be deployed to stand guard for the event as about 28,000 security personnel from the US Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration, FBI, US Park Police, US Capitol Police, Coast Guard and local police from Washington and around the country would be fanned out across the city to provide multiple layers and dimensions of security including kilometres of fencing, roadblocks, street barricades and dump trucks laden with sand as part of the security cordon.

Ticket holders for the event will enter through six public security checkpoints and a list of over 40 items, including everything from firearms and fireworks to backpacks, balloons, drums, whistles and selfie sticks have been banned from the event.

Trump is scheduled to attend an interfaith prayer service at the cathedral on Saturday, which will bring to a close the inaugural events.

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