Barack Obama bid Americans farewell on Twitter as Trump takes over @POTUS Twitter handle

US president Donald Trump has taken over the President of the United States (POTUS) Twitter account following his inauguration on Friday.

The @FLOTUS - for new First Lady Melania Trump - and @WhiteHouse accounts retained their follower counts.

The President's profile description now reads: 
"45th President of the United States.
"Working on behalf of the American people to make our country great again."
And a new profile photo of Trump, alongside a header photo of United States flags.

All tweets by the former US President and First Lady were moved to newly created handles @POTUS44 and @FLOTUS44.

The Obamas who can still be followed on their personal handles @BarackObama and @MichelleObama bid farewell to Americans on Twitter before Trumps inauguration.
"It's been the honor of my life to serve you."
"I'm still asking you to believe - not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours."
"I won't stop; I'll be right there with you as a citizen, inspired by your voices of truth and justice, good humor, and love."
Also the Facebook and Instagram accounts once used by Obama and his team will now be used by the new White House team.

Meanwhile, all content from the official White House Website,, has been moved to

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