Weekly Motivation: Overcoming Challenges

This week on our Weekly Motivation Corner, we will be talking on the topic '' Overcoming Challenges.''

Read and be motivated....
When God wants to lift a man, he first breaks him. The problem with many people is that when they face obstacles, they give up and shrink into an abyss of self-pity. Difficulties build a man, they strengthen the very core of a human being. Les Brown, one of the greatest motivational speakers ever would say 'In times of prosperity, pay mind to your pockets, but in times of hardship, develop your heart'. 

Difficulties do not break a strong man, it strengthens him. The road to success is not an easy one; to graduate from school, to grow a business, to raise children, to grow a career, to do anything of value requires some certain degree of tenacity, the ability to push through regardless of the obstacles on the way. It has always been said that nothing good comes easy; Jim Rohn would always say the road to success is simple but never easy.

When you face challenges, have faith that they will pass and when they eventually do, they will leave the required muscle to take on even bigger challenges in the future. Challenges are not bad, they are  required and the most successful individuals are those that have solved the most heinous challenges. 

So if you think you don't have enough money, good education, good family background, good health, high intelligent quotient, or great physical qualities; be rest assured that the successful men/women the world adores today start with much less than you have, and it is your responsibility to make your life count with the 'little' you think you have.
We hope this piece was helpful and motivational. For any inquiry, comments and questions, please drop your comments and questions on the comment box below and we will reply you swiftly. 
Author: Imonitie Imafidon

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