Donald Trump not planning on deportation
president-elect Donald Trump will likely not keep to his campaign
promise to deport illegal and undocumented foreigners out of the US.
Speaking on the issue on CNN on Sunday, House Speaker, Paul Ryan,
the highest-ranking Republican in Congress says Trump will not be
pushing ahead with plans to
create a deportation force to round up and expel undocumented
foreigners which is in contrast to his campaign promises.
latest development comes as Trump
backed away from his vow to build a wall on the US-Mexican border, and
instead said some areas could be fenced, but stood firm on a plan to
deport about three million immigrants who with criminal records.Ryan, also said the top priority of Trump and GOP lawmakers is to strengthen security along the US-Mexican border. adding that Republicans were not considering creating a deportation force, and ruled out that doing so might become a priority on either the GOP - or Trump's - agenda over the next four years.
During an interview on Sunday, the US president-elect said he will deport migrants who have "criminal records," which is likely to affect about three million people.
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