White cop fired after he threatened a black woman's daughter in a bizarre Facebook message

US: A white Kansas police officer, Rodney Lee Wilson, from Overland Park Police Department has been fired after he posted a bizarre threatening message on a Facebook photo of a random black Texas woman LaNaydra Williams five years old daughter amidst ongoing tensions between police and the black community in the US.
In reference to the Black Lives Matter movement, Lee Wilson wrote:
'We'll see how much her life matters soon... better be careful leaving your info in the open where she can be found.
'Hold her close tonight, it'll be the last time.'
Williams said she couldn't sleep for a whole night after she received the Facebook message on Thursday from a random person threatening her life. 
 “I had no clue who this guy was,” “I was angry, and then I was scared."
 'It's not okay. Not my child, she's all I have. India is my heart, that's not right. We're already on edge, so why would you do that?'
Williams added that she has never been to Overland Park, has no connection with Kansas, and has no idea how Wilson found her Facebook page. 

The Overland Park Chief of Police Francis Donchez Jr. in response to the claims, said;
“I immediately initiated an investigation into the officer’s actions and requested it be completed in a timely manner,”
Donchez said investigation carried out rebealed that a member of his department was, in fact, behind the post.
The Overland Park PD release said.
"It was obvious that our officer did not meet the standards of professionalism for the Overland Park Police Department. Overland Park has terminated the officer, effective immediately,"
Williams said Donchez called her to personally apologize for Lee's actions.
Donchez also issued an apology to the public.
"I want to publicly apologize to those affected by our officer’s personal actions. His actions do not represent the Overland Park Police Department in anyway and no one should be subjected to any type of discrimination or this kind of behavior,”

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