Trump and Christie attack Obama and Clinton

US: Republican presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump and New Jersey governor Chris Christie both teamed up at a rally in Virginia Beach, Virginia on Monday to attack Us President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton describing them as weak on domestic security.

Trump and Christie capitalized on the Dallas police shootings as reason of the US need a "law-and-order" candidate like Trump.

Trump who tagged himself as "the law-and-order candidate,"labelled Democratic presidential candidate Clinton as weak.

Trump said Clinton has grown out of touch with the plight of ordinary Americans.
"Perhaps it is easy for politicians to lose touch with reality when they are being paid millions of dollars to read speeches to Wall Street executives, instead of spending time with real people in real pain," he said.
"The disconnect in America is deep. There are two Americas: the ruling class, and the groups it favours, and then everyone else," said Trump.

Christie, who was Trump's former rival for the presidential nomination, said Obama has taken sides against the police in the country's dispute over race and police brutality.
"We need a president who once again will put law and order at the top of the priority of the presidency of this country," Christie said.
"Our police officers ... need to understand that the president of the United States and his administration will give them the benefit of the doubt, not always believe that what they have done is somehow wrong."

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