Dallas shooting: Kim Kardashian speaks on Black Lives Matter Protest ''I do not ever want to have to teach my son to be scared of the police''

Celebrities: 36 year old reality star, Kim Kardashian has spoken out about the Black Lives Matter protest after the shooting of five police officers during the protest in Dallas on Thursday following the fatal killing of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota by police in two separate incident during the week.

Kim took to her blog on Friday July 8 to express her frustration on the shootings in a post she tagged: "#STRAIGHTUP #BLACKLIVESMATTER."
 She said;
''This week we watched Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two innocent black men, get senselessly murdered by police officers,' she began in a statement posted on her website.

'Like a lot of you guys, I watched the videos, and was appalled and completely heartbroken. I was left speechless, angry and numb.'

'I do not ever want to have to teach my son to be scared of the police or tell him that he has to watch his back because the people we are told to trust—the people who "protect and serve"—may not be protecting and serving him because of the color of his skin.'

The last thing we need is to fuel anger with more hate or violence, especially toward the many incredible police officers who risk their lives every single day to protect our families and communities.'

'It is our responsibility as Americans and as parents to create a safe future for our children,' she added.

'We must do something NOW. We must speak up until we are heard and real, effective changes are made.'

Kim ended the post by writing the names of a number of high-profile victims of police brutality, including Sterling, Castile, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice and Sandra Bland.

'Hashtags are not enough,' she wrote. 'This must end now.'

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