Europe under terrorists’ attacks because of its sins in Syria – Assad

Syria: Western governments’ support for opposition groups in Syria is the cause of terrorism in Europe said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during a visit by group of European parliamentarians headed by Javier Couso, vice chairman of its foreign affairs committee on Sunday in Syria.
“The problems Europe faces today of terrorism, extremism and waves of refugees are caused by some western leaders’ adoption of policies which do not serve their people,”
“Especially when those leaders give support and political cover to terrorist groups inside Syria,”
The Syrian government, which is supported by Iran and Russia, refers to all groups fighting it in the war torn region as terrorists. But the U.N. classifies only the Islamic State and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front as terrorist.

A group of countries including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the U.S. and the United Kingdom, supply financial, logistical and training support to the several armed opposition groups in Syria.

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